To walk (and climb) in another man’s shoes

To walk (and climb) in another man’s shoes

Jared and Joanna Kail on the Grand Teton Summit  Photo: Jared & Joanna Kail collectionIn May of 2008 we launched this website with the assistance of  Wyolution, a small Wyoming company. Pictured here is the Grand Teton summit photo of Jared Kail (Wyolution partner) and Joanna Kail (graphic designer). Wyolution has continued to partner with us and recently developed our reservations software. During this process Jared and Joanna decided to go beyond onsite interviews and actually experience what Exum does.

In order to administer our site I have had to learn a little about WordPress and HTML code. In order to climb the Grand Teton, Jared and Joanna had to do much more than buy a couple reference books. They hiked the steep trails in Sinks Canyon (near Lander, Wyoming) to train, and on July 25th they slipped out of their comfy Keens and laced up our sticky rubber approach shoes for their day at climbing school. On August 16th they began the 2-day Grand Teton climb, and on the 17th they reached the summit. Now they know what Exum does!

In addition to Jared’s skill at writing code, he is also a great story teller. Check out his facebook posting about their climb. I think you will enjoy his story.

About The Author

  • Arc'Teryx
  • Black Diamond
  • Virginian Lodge
  • Evoke Endurance
  • La Sportiva
  • Mammut
  • 4FRNT